Traditional RP/ Heightened RP/ Conservative RP ( Upper Received Pronunciation ) for speak Posh like The Queen.
Traditional RP is ideal when you require an old fashioned, upper or upper middle class accent. It is not an overly eccentric sound, which could be found in the ‘BBC Bertie’ accent or a Lord and Lady of the manor. This accent came from the upper classes at the turn of the 20th century. In the 1920s the accent became more formalised with the establishment of the education system and the BBC. In fact, it became the standard used right up until the 1970s.
Tom Baker, Judi Dench, Felicity Kendal, Prunella Scales, Peter Ustinov, Geoffrey Palmer
Playwrights/ Plays
‘An Ideal Husband’, ‘Pygmalion’, ‘The Winslow Boy’ by Terence Rattigan, Tom Stoppard, Noel Coward
Rhythm and Melody
There is a distinct swing to this accent. This comes across due to the differences between stressed and unstressed syllables.
This accent leaps up and down in to the landing points in a phrase.
once a young
There was
An exercise favoured by elocution teachers was to use a chiffon scarf to swing through a phrase, a little bit like rhythmic gymnastics. The Laban actions would be rapid DABS with GLIDES on the landing points.
The Setting
The external face is kept elegant, relaxed and undisturbed. Historically, it would be considered vulgar to reveal the emotions that would be lying underneath. Whilst the face barely moves, the inside workings of the tongue and soft palate are precise and efficient. It is the tongue that bears the responsibility for the clarity of the sound on the inside of the mouth.
Jaw and cheeks – space between the back teeth. The face feels long and narrow
Lips – slight pout, with the top lip lifted slightly. There is no spreading at all!
Tongue – Lies flat, with the tip behind the bottom front teeth. *The tip needs to be flexible enough to find the gum ridge without the jaw having to close. *The back must be strong and flexible enough to find the extreme vowels such as GOOSE and THOUGHT.
Soft palate – a little raised, like holding it on the edge of a yawn. Imagine you have eaten a piece of hot potato but you are too polite to spit it out!
Resonant Focus
Aim the sound at ‘the tip of the tongue, the teeth and the lips’ – as the articulation exercise says. Try and focus on a point beyond your mouth, where you might hold a candle to blow out, and aim the sound there. Try counting/ saying the days of the week to feel this placement
Same as Neutral Standard English Accent - forward on a wave, with no obstacles in its path.
The tone is bright with underlying warmth, like a harp.
ALL Standard English accents are NON-Rhotic. So you only say an R when it is followed by a vowel sound.
You will hear linking r’s in this accent.
Fea Rand Horror Fo Ra new home
But probably NO intrusive R’s
Edda r-and Jan
R – Tap it lightly on the gum ridge between vowels, especially between the front vowels such as – KIT, DRESS, and TRAP, both within words and between words.
Very marry here I go
Gerry and Margaret won’t be such terrors tonight. They worried Frank last time
T – This sound is made with the tongue tip doing a light, delicate tap on the gum ridge, without a ‘splash’.
Do take Dotty and Ted a better bit of butter for their tea and toast.
Which vs Witch – distinguish words with a ‘wh’ by adding a slight puff of air through the lips before the W, almost like: ‘hwhat’, ‘hwere’. But DON’T over do this! It is gentle in this accent.
Which witch is the white witch and where are they?
YOO/ Liquid Y – This sound is maintained after all alveolar and dental consonants.
Rather than be lewd he presumed it was his duty to play a suitable tune with enthusiasm.
Try seeing the word either with a ‘Yoo’ or with ‘ee-oo’ to help your mouth along.
Lyood/ lee-ood Prezyoomed/ prezee-oomed
Syootable/ see-ootable tyoon/ tee-oon
dyooty/ dee-ooty enthyoosisam / enthee-oosiasm
KIT /ɪ/ --> /i/
This vowel is closer to the short FLEECE vowel. Keep the sound bright, and focus the sound high and forward.
The ship listed as busy women built a bridge in the dim mid winter.
DRESS /e/--> /e/
This vowel moves closer to the KIT territory. Imagine you are almost saying DRISS! In a sweat (swit), Jeff (Jiff) edged (idged) his head (hid) into the Thames (Tims) in an effort (iffort) to save his best (bist) friend (frind) from the treacherous (tricherous) bell (bill) of death (dith).
STRUT/ʌ/-->/ʌ̞ /
The open vertical setting gives a little extra space to this shape. Sprinkle a tiny bit of ‘Ah’ to this sound.
The dull young monks rushed in a flood to hunt the buds of the lovely Buttercup.
FOOT /ʊ/
The hump in the tongue is high and quite far back, which gives this a much ‘darker’, lower quality than the Neutral Standard English Accent. This sound also has more lip rounding, and will almost sound like the GOOSE vowel.
The woman shouldn’t put the full pudding onto the butcher’s hook.
GOOSE /u:/-->/u/
Maximise the full, deep ‘owl hoot’ resonance for this vowel. The back of the tongue is high and the lips are rounded. Use the ‘cat’s bottom’ muscles of the lips to pout.
Make a ‘G’ and then slightly release the tongue into the owl hoot to feel the back of the tongue in this raised position
Two beautiful youths moved through a few smooth, juicy, rude grooves in feudal confusion.
This is as extreme as it gets. Keep it bright and sparkly by squeezing the hump in the tongue up the centre point of the gum ridge, and fill up the resonance behind it.
The police had reason to believe that Peter, Keith and the anaemic Sheila could be in league to illegally deceive people.
NURSE /ɜ:/-->/ɜː/
This vowel lifts slightly, towards the gum ridge and buzzes onto the top lip. There is NO lip rounding, if anything the lips may feel a tiny bit spread.
Pearl urged Myrtle’s attorney to rehearse a certain circus turn before the courteous worm turned.
TRAP /æ/
Imagine you are saying TREP, but be sure to keep the jaw open so as not to tighten up the setting.
The cat (ket) dashed (deshed) to catch (ketch) the ham (hem) that (thet) dangled (dengled) from the bag (beg).
This vowel sound isn’t that different from the NSEA. It’s an open vowel, with relaxed cheeks and lips, and an ‘ah’ quality. Keep the jaw opened and relaxed, the vowel towards the back of the tongue, but not too plummy!
‘Francis the calf can’t dance’, laughed Sandra the giraffe, aghast, as the calf pranced disastrously.
LOT /ɒ/
Much like NSEA this vowel is backed, the jaw is dropped open and the lips are rounded. There is a slight hump in the back of the tongue that shapes the sound. Keep it snappy, this is a short vowel.
Tom honestly acknowledged how top-notch the swan was to dodge the yacht.
CLOTH /ɒ/ or /ɔː/
After the Second World War this set began to merge with LOT, but in older accents/ speakers it merged with THOUGHT etc. especially before ‘S’, ‘F’ and voiceless ‘th’. So, during the 1940s, 50s and 60s some words hovered between the two sets!
Short - John often frothed the coffee and washed the long sausages in Boston.
Long - She lost the cross when it fell off the cloth.
Againˌ very much like the NSEA shape. To make this vowel sound, close the lips a little (like drawing the purse strings very slightly tighter)
Paul applauded all the naughty daughters who yawned when taught with chalk and talk.
FACE /eɪ/--> /eɪ̝/
This vowel slides a small amount from the raised DRESS vowel to the raised KIT vowel. Thinking of it as a FLEECE vowel can help the tongue into position
April felt faint as she campaigned to reign in the wasteful ladies to change their ways and obey.
GOAT-GOAL /əʊ/-->/əәʊ/
Unlike NSEA the L does not have an affect on the vowel sound, be sure to keep these the same.
Joan coaxed her beau, Owen, to grow bolder, though she loathed over controlling soldiers.
PRICE /aɪ/
Help this vowel become ‘bright and sparkly’! Focus it a little further forward in the mouth.
Remember, this is your personal pronoun, ‘I’, so be sure to anchor this sound to your centre and connect to your sense of self.
Friday is the right night to arrive by bicycle in Cyprus to buy a fine eiderdown.
CHOICE /ɔɪ/-->/ɒɪ/
Unlike the NSEA this starts from the LOT vowel shape and only slides to KIT. Put more weight on the first half of the slide.
The boy employed a joist to hoist the moist oysters into the boiling oil.
MOUTH /aʊ/-->/ɑʊ/
This begins at the BATH vowel and slides to the FOOT vowel. This gives the vowel a richer, lower resonant quality that is heard in more modern accents.
The loud crowd from south of the county wanted to oust the clown out of town, but they were all mouth.
NEAR /ɪəә/--> / ɪ̝ ə ә /
Begin at the raised KIT position so you can slide to the schwa.
Maria was sincere in her weird career, but feared the fierce bearded cashier.
SQUARE /eəә/-->/eəә/
This vowel sound slides from the raised DRESS vowel to the schwa
Where the pears are scarce, the bears share theirs fairly.
TOUR /ɔ/-->/ ʊəә/
This vowel sound changes from the more modern monophthong choice in NSEA, to a sliding sound. Beginning at the FOOT vowel and sliding to the schwa.
Muriel assured the poor tourists that the insurance was sure to cover Europe.
Vowel Smoothing
This is a general feature of all upper-class accents. ‘Smoothing’ refers to the ‘smoothing out’ of the vowel slides that happen when two or more vowels from the Kit list meet.
E.g Science (Price vowel /aɪ/) - To smooth this slide out, remove the middle shape completely, loosing any feeling of ‘Y’ from the tongue.
So... Science--> ‘SA-UNCE’ or ‘SAHNCE’
Fire --> Fa-uh’
Power --> Pa-uh’
Throwing --> thruh-ing’
This also happens when words meet. Try the following (lose any feeling of W or Y between words)
We were going to a party in Lower Loxley, bowling along with considerable power, trying to get to it on time. ‘Who are we seeing there?’ I asked. ‘Oh, some very annoying people,’ he answered. ‘There’ll be Howard, the incessant card player, and my aunt the lawyer, doing her usual party piece. They’ll be in the drawing room, gathered round the fire, chewing the fat, playing “who is the smartest”, allowing no one else to get a word in. How tiresome!’
Vowel Reductions
happY vowel -->This little ending is a short KIT vowel in older upper class accents.
Billy and Mary were happy to see the movie, ‘When Harry met Sally’. Billy had a coffee, and Mary bought a pastry.
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